Voice&Video Internet/Lan Chat client based on H323 protocol.
Main features:
• Direct PC-2-PC communication without any intermediary.
• H323 Gatekeepers support.
• Video communication with 176x144 (QCIF) and
352x288 (CIF) resolution.
• Audio communication with a number of selectable codecs and quality.
• Compatible with NetMeeting, GnomeMeeting and many other H323-based software and hardware.
• Can transmit voice even through low bandwidth modem lines.
• Easy to setup and configure.
• Multilingual (English, Русский and more...).
• It's absolutely FREE and OpenSource! Get the source code here: CVS. It is under Mozilla Public License.
News: 28/08/2008: |
The project is frozen. MyPhone is not supported anymore in it's current state.
Although I keep working in the field of V2oIP, and there is a chance of the new swing of MyPhone development. |
News: 23/06/2004: |
The CVS was updated to version 0.2b12. |
News: 13/06/2004: |
Long awaited MyACM Library has been finally posted to CVS (module name: myacm). It can be used to include any Windows ACM audio codec into OpenH323 project (Including MS ACM G.723.1). |
News: 13/06/2004: |
New version 0.2b12 has been released. Release Notes. |
News: 13/06/2004: |
Now MyPhone's Stringtable is available for download. You can translate it to your language and sent it back to me, then the new localization will be included in the next version of MyPhone. Please try to keep translated string resources at the same length as the English ones. Do not send translated file as text, instead pack it into ZIP archive and attach it to the e-mail message. |
News: 13/06/2004: |
My PayPal account is active again. So, Please, Donate if you like MyPhone. |

(NOTE: for latest binary package go directly to the FILES section)