///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table version 0.2b12 // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ABOUTBOX "&About MyPhone..." IDS_PROGTITLE "MyPhone" IDS_STARTCHANNELTX "Started sending %1 data %2." IDS_STARTCHANNELRX "Started receiving %1 data %2." IDS_STOPCHANNELTX "Stopped sending %1 data." IDS_STOPCHANNELRX "Stopped receiving %1 data." IDS_STOPCONNECT "Connection with %1 cleared." IDS_TALKING "Talking to %1" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN ID_INDICATOR_IP "localhost" ID_INDICATOR_TIME "Ready..." IDS_NONETSTR " - WARNING! No network detected" IDS_PROXINETSTR " - WARNING! You could be behind NAT/Proxy" IDS_UMSGSTR "Your text messages...(Ctrl+Enter to send)" IDS_UIPSTR "Your IP: %s" IDS_MPREADYSTR "%1 is ready..." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DSTCLEADEDSTR "Destinations history cleared..." IDS_USAIDMSGSTR "> You said: ""%1""" IDS_CALLINGSTR " is calling." IDS_CALLING1STR "%1 is calling" IDS_STATFSTR "In call: %s Sent: %s(%s/s) Received: %s(%s/s) Delay: %d ms" IDS_STATSSTR "C:%s S:%s(%s/s) R:%s(%s/s) D:%d ms" IDS_RINGSTR "%1 is ringing..." IDS_RING1STR "%s is ringing..." IDS_REPLMSGSTR "< %1 said: ""%2""" IDS_MPREADY1STR "%1 is ready and listening..." IDS_ERRLSNSTR "ERROR! %1 could not open listener interface: %2." IDS_CALLIGNORSTR "Call from: %1 ignored at %2" IDS_TALKINGSTR "In call with " IDS_CALLBUSYSTR "User: %1 is busy..." IDS_ERRVDEVSTR "ERROR! Failed to open video input device: %1; source: %2" IDS_GKUNREGSTR "Unregistering from Gatekeeper: %1" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_GKSRCHSTR "Searching for Gatekeeper.... Please Wait!" IDS_GKREGSTR "Successfully registered with Gatekeeper: %1" IDS_ERRSTR "ERROR! %1" IDS_GKERRPORTSTR "Gatekeeper refused to allow the listening port." IDS_GKERRALIASSTR "Gatekeeper already has alias registered." IDS_GKERRSECSTR "Gatekeeper security denial, check password and the PC time and date." IDS_GKERRTRNSTR "Gatekeeper transport failure." IDS_GKERRUNSTR "Gatekeeper rejected registration with reason code %d." IDS_GKERRFINDSTR "ERROR! Could not find a gatekeeper with ID %1 at %2." IDS_GKERRFIND1STR "ERROR! Could not find a gatekeeper at %1." IDS_GKERRFIND2STR "ERROR! Could not find a gatekeeper with ID %1 on LAN." IDS_GKERRFIND3STR "ERROR! Could not find a gatekeeper on LAN." IDS_GKERRFIND4STR "Gatekeeper not found." IDS_CONNECTIONSTR "Connection" IDS_CALLTOSTR "Call to (host/IP/alias):" IDS_CALLBSTR "&Call" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ANSWERBSTR "&Answer" IDS_REFUSEBSTR "&Refuse" IDS_HANGUPBSTR "&Hang Up" IDS_AUDIOSTR "Audio" IDS_MSGSSTR "Messages" IDS_VIDEOSTR "Video" IDS_LOCALSTR "Local: %s" IDS_REMOTESTR "Remote: %s" IDS_MSETTINGSSTR "&Settings" IDS_MABOUTSTR "&?" IDS_STRPROGNAMEVER "%s\tVersion %s" IDS_STRPROGDESC "Voice&Video IP Telephony Client based on OpenH323 (www.openh323.org)" IDS_ABOUTSTR "About..." IDS_OUTDEVSTR "Output Device:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INDEVSTR "Input Device:" IDS_BUFFSTR "Buffers:" IDS_JITSTR "Jitter:" IDS_SLSTR "Silence detection" IDS_CODECSSTR "Codec Selection" IDS_CSUPSTR "Up" IDS_CSENBLSTR "Enabled" IDS_CSDOWNSTR "Down" IDS_USERSTR "User" IDS_UNAMESTR "User Name:" IDS_NETWORKSTR "Network" IDS_BANDSTR "Bandwidth:" IDS_KBSSTR "Kb/s" IDS_IPTSTR "IP Type Of Service:" IDS_AANSWERSTR "Auto-Answer" IDS_DTMFSTRSTR "DTMF as String" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_D242STR "Disable H245 Tunneling" IDS_DFSTARTSTR "Disable Fast-Start" IDS_RINGFSTR "Ring Sound File:" IDS_GKUSESTR "Use Gatekeeper" IDS_GKRECSTR "Require Gatekeeper" IDS_GKLOCSTR "Locate Gatekeeper" IDS_GKAUTOLOCSTR "Discover Automatically" IDS_GKHOSTLOCSTR "Discover by Host:" IDS_GKIDLOCSTR "Discover by ID:" IDS_GKPASSSTR "GK Pass.:" IDS_UALIASESSTR "User Aliases" IDS_UALIASSTR "Alias:" IDS_UALADDSTR "Add" IDS_UALDELSTR "Del" IDS_HVIDEOSTR "Auto show/hide Video panel" IDS_HLOGSTR "Hide connection log messages" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_HSTATSTR "Hide connection statistics" IDS_ADRAUTOADDSTR "Auto add caller address to destinations" IDS_SYSTRAYMINSTR "Minimize to system tray" IDS_LANGSTR "Language (needs restart):" IDS_COLSTR "Colors" IDS_COLMSGSTR "Chat messages:" IDS_COLAUDIOSTR "Audio indicators:" IDS_COLLSTR "Yours:" IDS_COLRSTR "Others:" IDS_COLASTR "Signal:" IDS_COLSSTR "Silent:" IDS_DEVSTR "Device:" IDS_DEVCHSTR "Src:" IDS_VSENDSTR "Auto send video" IDS_VRCVDSTR "Auto receive video" IDS_VLOCSTR "Show local video" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_VIESSTR "View adjustments" IDS_LVFLIPSTR "V-Flip local" IDS_LHFLIPSTR "H-Flip local" IDS_RVFLIPSTR "V-Flip remote" IDS_RHFLIPSTR "H-Flip remote" IDS_QTYSTR "Quality:" IDS_MBPSSTR "Max. bps:" IDS_GENERALSTR "General" IDS_GKSTR "Gatekeeper" IDS_IFACESTR "Interface" IDS_SETTINGSSTR "Settings" IDS_MHELPSTR "&Help (Web)" IDS_PROGTRANSSTR " " IDS_RTPBSTR "RTP port base:" IDS_RTPMSTR "RTP port max.:" IDS_NATRSTR "NAT router:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOCISTR "Local interfaces:" IDS_ABOOKSTR "&Book" IDS_ABOOKTITLESTR "Address Book" IDS_ABOOKADRNAMESTR "Name:" IDS_ABOOKADRADRSTR "Address:" IDS_SBOOKCALLSTR "Select Address" IDS_ABOOKPBTITLESTR "PhoneBook" IDS_ABOOKADRADDSTR "Add New" IDS_ABOOKADRDELSTR "Del. Old" IDS_ABOOKINTITLESTR "Incoming" IDS_ABOOKOUTTITLESTR "Outgoing" IDS_ABOOKMSDTITLESTR "Missed" IDS_ABOOKADRSTORESTR "Store" IDS_ABOOKADRCLRSTR "Clear list" IDS_LOCFLIPSTR "Grabber flip" END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////